Just a little teaser |
Every so often I have this feeling of vague disquiet, that something is wrong that I should be able to put my finger on but just can't. Last night this feeling started up, and it still hasn't gone away, and I am wondering what it is that my subconscious thinks I should be angsty over.
I did have a dream last night that one of my best friends from middle school/high school, who I haven't spoken to (sadly)
since high school, met me in some shop, and told me my skin was red and blotchy. In the dream I responded, "but nowadays its always red and blotchy." Should this make me concerned?
I know one of the reasons I am a bit nervous - just signed up for a fitness class, and I feel like it could easily mean I will be sore for the whole month of February. But my sister will be there to tell me if I am being a real wimp, so that's encouraging. Nothing like a little sibling rivalry to make sure I don't cheat on exercising.
I also (finally) submitted the design for the save the dates to have the letterpress plate made. I am still hopeful that my homemade one will work - you can be sure there will be at least one if not several posts on that subject, once I have the supplies to give it a try.
A Practical Wedding today there was a wedding grad post about a woman who clearly knew what she was doing, I mean her style was so spot-on, so unique - it was one of those weddings I aspire to have design-wise (except in my style, and not hers, if that makes any sense.) And yet this woman admitted to having some serious second and third guessing about her decisions and I wonder - is that why I feel slightly uneasy? Because slowly but surely, after 12 months of engagement, the decisions are starting to trickle in.
I have actually
committed to a save the date design, and I have been rejecting stationary designs since about February of last year. Although in a way I have not committed, as I haven't sent them yet. But still. The fact that I am starting to buy things, that I have signed all the major contracts... maybe this is why the self-doubt.
God I can't wait to just get married and be done. Fast forward button please?