Tuesday 20 December 2011

Resolutions of 2011 - How'd I do?

As per my post of last year, these were some resolutions for 2011.

1.  Become more healthy, by eating better and being more active.
2.  If the above doesn't help to lose weight and slim down, then buy some shaping undergarments that will make me feel gorgeous and slender on my wedding day.
3.  Be neater around the house but putting things away more immediately after putting them down.
4.  Try harder to keep in touch with old friends who live in other cities.
5.  Try to keep the ratio of ordinary conversations to wedding conversations to an appropriate level.  I will endeavor to remember that some people truly do not care.
6.  Be more original in my cooking, and allow hubs-elect to help more.
7.  Take more photographs.
8.  To give my dogs as much love and affection as is humanly possible.
9.  To finish re-upholstering the sofa, so that I can sit on it without thinking about how much more work there is to do.
And because 10 seems like such a nice, round number: I will stop playing Angry Birds when I should be being social.

So, it seems healthy to review how I did on those points.

1.  Become more healthy, by eating better and being more active.  I did pretty well on this one.  I've let it slide a bit recently, but I am very pleased to think that I will never regret not getting in shape for the wedding.  I did, and it was awesome.  But I do need to make sure I hit the gym again more regularly.  The business is consuming my lift right now.

2.  If the above doesn't help to lose weight and slim down, then buy some shaping undergarments that will make me feel gorgeous and slender on my wedding day.  I also bought some shaping undergarments, so win-win?  The important thing I think is that after I started getting in shape, I started feeling great about myself and didn't worry about fitting into the dress (as much.)

3.  Be neater around the house but putting things away more immediately after putting them down.  Brandon might argue I have made very little progress on this one.  I believe I took steps forward...but maybe I do still leave shoes around.  However, it would help if we actually had enough storage space for all my things.

4.  Try harder to keep in touch with old friends who live in other cities.  Fail.  Very sad.  But with all the weddings etc, I did see more people than previous years.  So hopefully that keeps going.

5.  Try to keep the ratio of ordinary conversations to wedding conversations to an appropriate level.  I will endeavor to remember that some people truly do not care.  Well by default, this will get better.  No idea how well I actually did last year though.

6.  Be more original in my cooking, and allow hubs-elect to help more.  Yes!  I definitely did this, and the wedding gifts that were cooking related have greatly increased my artillery.  And case in point, Brandon made dinner tonight.

7.  Take more photographs.  Yes, but I will continue to take more.  I am also in the process of hunting down a darkroom, to go back to making prints.  This is very therapeutic for me, and will decrease the number of ranty posts I am sure.

8.  To give my dogs as much love and affection as is humanly possible.  Done.

9.  To finish re-upholstering the sofa, so that I can sit on it without thinking about how much more work there is to do.  Yes!  With Mom's help, but I am very grateful that it is finished.

10.  I will stop playing Angry Birds when I should be being social.  Ha, I haven't played Angry Birds in months.  I do of course play a ridiculous amount of MahJong.....

Next week, I'll post what I've been thinking about for next year.  Its going to be big :)

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